LNV Alumni Education Event
Imbed with the 6th Air Refueling Squadron
Travis Air Force Base
December 8, 2023
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
**Please review this event in its entirety before registering. This event requires security clearance and includes lunch and roundtrip transportation. We will contact you regarding security clearance.
Join Leadership Napa Valley to learn more about the diverse mission of Travis Air Force Base and one of the four flying squadrons that are part of the core Operations Group at Travis Air Force Base. The four flying squadrons are the 6th 'Extenders' and 9th 'Gucci' Air Refueling Squadrons, the 21st C-17 Airlift Squadron 'Bee-Liners', and the 22nd C-5 Squadron 'Anything, Anywere, Anytime on a Moments Notice'.
You will gain an understanding of the scope and reach of our Air Force based out of Travis Air Force via the 60th Air Mobility Wing and its partner Reserve organization the 349th Air Mobility Wing.
In a nutshell, the men & women and assets of Travis (with its mid-air refueling and lift capability) to project U.S. Air Power around the globe, enhancing our country's foreign policy goals, our humanitarian efforts, and of course, supporting our Military Forces when our Country ultimately needs to engage in military action.
Travis is the largest Air Mobility Base in the Air Force, and supports missions across the Pacific, the Middle East, and Europe.
What the Immersion Will Involve:
Squadron Briefing -- On arrival, we will go to the 6th ARS Squadron Briefing Room for a summary of the Air Mobility Wing Mission and how Travis and the 6th ARS Supports that. Coffee and nibbles provided.
Hanger Visit / Aircraft Walk-thru -- From there, we will head over to one of the Hangers adjacent to 'the Ramp' where the Travis air frames are located. We will have a 'static tour' of at least one of the air frames that the 6th ARS is currently flying -- the KC-10 and/or the KC-46. The KC-10 is a cargo and mid-air refueling work-horse that is an adopted version of the DC-10 and has been in service since 1981. The KC-46 is the 'next generation' mid-air refueler, cargo and medical evac platform adopted from the Boing 767.
Fulfilling the Flight Mission -- You will understand what fulfilling the mission is like for the pilots, boom operators, cargo crew and support staff in the squadron.
Nothing Flies Without Maintainers -- You will lean more about the practices and mind-set of the 'Maintainers' that keep the Air Mobility Wing's assets in the air. For those of you that have gone to a vintage car show, imagine what it might take to keep the following birds ready and in the air -- all the while upgrading avionics and other components: McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender (Born 1980) , McDonnell Douglas / Boeing C-17 Globemaster (Born 1991), and Lockheed C-5 Galaxy (Born 1968!).
60th OSS Supporting the Operations Group -- We will get a briefing from the 60th Operations Support Squadron (60th OSS) -- responsible for the runways, tower, airspace and all air-crew equipment and support including flight planning and weather to 'achieve the mission.' The 60th OSS has over 450 personnel and its organization mission is fulfilled in over 28 locations on the Base. I promise you will be blown away by the incredible ownership and professionalism of young men and women in their early 20's that make all this come together.
Conversation With Senior Leadership -- This will be a mostly Q&A session with the every-two-year rotating Officer Leadership -- imagine changing out your company or organization's CEO every two years! -- as well as the Senior Enlisted Leaders (on longer rotations) on how they train and create the cohesiveness within a dynamic organization that is continuously posed for readiness, constantly evolving based on new equipment and reorganization to evolve with U.S. military and diplomatic objectives, and involves overseas deployments and a 'turn-style' of squadron members joining and departing. The Conversation also will touch on how the Air Force works to support the family members of those serving both at home and when their partners are deployed.
A Full Squadron Experience -- The 6th ARS and many other Squadrons have a tradition on Fridays in non-war-time to bring the crew together and bond through a ritual of recognizing each other, those arriving and leaving and general comradarie. You will be there for that. You will be present for 'Extendo-O-Clock' at 12:06 for the squadron agenda and recognition and share in a BBQ lunch and mingle with Squadron members as part of this event.
RTB -- Return to Base -- Drive back to Napa. We will swing by the Travis Heritage Museum on the way out -- worthy of another visit with your family members at another time -- huge collection of static aircraft and museum displays that tell the history of the Air Force and Travis.
We will depart Napa en-masse on a 'Pure Lux' Travel Coach that will also transport us around the base.
Everyone must be cleared by Travis AFB Security Forces. All people interested in going must confirm by Friday, December 1st. All attendees shall provide SS# and Birthday and copy of Federally issued I.D. (CA Real ID Drivers License, or Passport) for pre-clearance. If you have been convicted of a Felony, you are unable to attend.
This event is $75 for Sponsors and Dues Paying Alumni. Members of Class 36, General Alumni, and Guests are $100. This event is limited to 30 registrants.