LNV Annual Reunion
This is a party you don’t want to miss, with delicious bites and wine plus a fun silent auction. Come catch up with your classmates and meet other alumni, all while celebrating another year of Leadership Napa Valley.
Monday, April 15th
The McClelland House
569 Randolph Street
Become a Mover and Shaker or Influencer Level Alumni Member to receive a complimentary ticket(s) to this event! Please complete your Membership Application before registering for this event. Email info@leadershipnapavalley.org for assistance.
Ticket Prices
General Alumni
$60 per ticket
Investor Membership Level and Class 36
$50 per ticket
Mover and Shaker Membership Level
One Complimentary Ticket; $40 for one (1) additional ticket
Influencer Membership Level
Two Complimentary Tickets
Business Sponsors
Please email president@leadershipnapavalley.org to register your attendees.